If I were to create a line of fashion goods I would probably create a line of handbags. I absolutely love bags off all kinds, and I think that it would be really fun to create unique bags. If I were to use Johnny Cupcake as a model for how to promote my business I would use his methods but mold it to fit my target market.
My target market for my hand bags would be young women between the ages of 25-35. These females would have house-hold income of 70,000-100,000 a year. These women are up on the latest trends and are always changing their looks. I want to be able to provide them with ever-changing bags that are affordable.
I will price my bags for $45-$60. With the price range I will be able to offer good quality and trendy styles. In every bag will be a trendy trinket that will have something to do with the client. This will be a way of making our customer feel special.
These women will be able to purchase multiple bags from me as the trends in fashion are ever-changing. Just like Johnny Cupcakes I will only offer a limited amount of each style. My target market does not enjoy when their friend has the exact same bag as them. So I will only create a limited amount of one style. This will create exclusivity within the brand.
I will start as a very small company and build up by word of mouth marketing and also through blogging and facebook. I want my bags to be on all of my friends shoulders so that their friends can ask them where they got the cute bag. This will be my main way of advertising. I will sell my bags solely online first until I grow a large enough market to afford a brick and mortar location. I think if I was very smart about the choices I made when developing the brand I think that I could reach a national market in 2-5 years. I would definitely have to intensify the advertising to reach an international market. I think by traveling overseas frequently would help gain market share in other countries. I think I could gain market share internationally in 10 years.
This is a very rough idea that I thought would work well using ideas that the company Johnny Cupcakes uses to promote itself.
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