Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Week 10: Chapter Questions Ginch Gonch

1. The key characteristics that make Ginch Gonch advertising unique is their “in your face” risqué approach. They love to use double entendre’s that are very controversial. I think that this brands the company and speaks to one target market. People are buying this fun underwear because they are unique, good quality, sexy, and funny.

2. I think it is fine ethically to sell products using sex. Nearly every company does it in some shape or form. It is what moves product off the shelves. Another retailer who uses sex to sell products would be Dolce & Gabbana. They have very suggestive advertising that uses sex as a selling point. This resembles Ginch Gonch in a way. Both companies are very successful using this technique. I think it makes their product more desirable e because some people think that if they purchase those things they will look like that and or get those types of opportunities. The customer wants to be a part of that lifestyle that the company is promoting.

3. Jason Sutherland was very smart to market to the gay community. I think he decided to do it because he knew that their community would be accepting of his product and advertising. He knew that there was an underserved market for his unique product and that his product would sell well to gay consumers. I think there are many gay consumers! Not only that, but the gay consumers are smart! They know a lot about fashion and trends, and once they find a company they like they become very loyal customers.

4. To be in charge of Ginch Gonch nest fashion assortment would be really cool. Coming up with a name and a way to advertise it would be tricky. It needs to be able to be catchy and risqué at the same time. Since the company has such a large market of the gay community I would focus my name around that. I think I would call it “May Pride”, like gay pride but launch it in may. The colors for the underwear could be rainbow.

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